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HomeYouth Programs


Chapter 292 works to expose young people to exciting aspects of sport aviation through working in these five areas. Select the one you are interested in to find out more about the subject.


Young Eagle Rallies, held in June and September, are patterned after the National EAA  program of the same name.  EAA Chapter 292 provides free exposure to what makes an airplane fly, the component parts of an airplane, how does weather affect flying and how do we navigate. 


The participates get to fly a simulator. 


Over forty volunteer ground personnel and about 15 pilots and aircraft provide this interesting and exciting experience.  The participates get firsthand experience flying an airplane.  They receive a log book recording their flight and a picture of the airplane in which they took their flight. 


To help participants over 13 years of age, Sporty's (a major, national provider of flight training) provides free access to an on-line Private Pilot Ground School learning opportunity. 


To help further their interest in sport aviation, they are later invited to participate in our Teen Aviation Weekend and Teen Build Program.

For more information on Young Eagle Rallies, please contact Cindy Woodworth, Young Eagle Coordinator at 425-457-0345 or on-line at

Our Young Eagles Rallies often fill up quickly. If you are looking for another EAA Chapter that may be offering a Young Eagles Rally nearby, go to and put in your zip code. The site will provide other EAA Chapters with dates for their Young Eagles Rallies.

This highly interactive, 2 day program for teens ages 14 to 19 includes:

    •    Introduction to the world of aviation
    •    Exploring the principles of flight
    •    Hangar tours to learn about unique aircraft
    •    Build and fly a model glider
    •    Hands-on aircraft building skills
    •    Planning a cross-country flight
    •    Fly in a sophisticated flight simulator
    •    Learn about Un-Manned Vehicles (UAVs or "Drones")
    •    See how STEM works for you in the aerospace industry
    •    Discuss careers in the aviation field with professionals

For more information, please contact Bob Spencer at 971 804-2203 or email at

"Last year, I got to fly an airplane and learned how it was designed."  Samantha, High School Freshman


Middle and High School students are invited to participate, at no cost, in building an airplane. 

They are introduced to shop safety practices, and use of aircraft manufacturing equipment. They are taken through team-building experiences and learn tools and techniques of project management.  The goal of these training experiences is to enable the builders to manage their own build of the aircraft while learning valuable, hands on skills as they work with their peers.  Mentors from the chapter provide the necessary training and support to help the builder achieve the completion and flight of their aircraft.  The build sessions are held every Saturday.  The build runs from September through June, following the school year.  Other build times are available by arrangement with the mentors to meet the participant's schedule.  Field trips are also a part of the Teen Build experience.  The builders visit the National Weather Service and observe a weather balloon launch and visit the air traffic control tower at a municipal airport.  Other field trips are taken to conferences and aerospace manufacturing and maintenance facilities.
For more information contact David Ullman, project lead, at 541-760-2338 or by email at
The scholarship program encourages young people to compete for scholarships offered by EAA Chapter 292. 

These opportunities include an all-expense paid trip to The Advanced Air Academy at Oshkosh during AirVenture and other education related monies to help with tuition and other advanced education costs.  Application assistance and help working through the application process is also provided for young people who are competing for other scholarships offered by other aviation organizations (AOPA, OPA, 99's, etc.)  Scholarship open and close dates are advertised in the Chapter newsletter, "The Tail Dragger", published monthly to Chapter members.  All scholarship applications are reviewed  using a defined process and review team.  Once the application is approved, the applicant will be notified.  In addition to scholarships, EAA Chapter 292 assists interested students in applying for interships with airlines and aerospace manufacturers.  Benefactors, donors, patrons and supporting individuals work through this program to help match young applicants with opportunities to further their growth in aviation and aerospace fields. 

For more information on scholarships contact Debbie Origer and/or Nancy Larson.
School Programs

    •    Talmage Middle School After School Program
    •    Salem Keizer AVID and Pro Team Programs
    •    STEM School Program Support
    •    Program Flyer (PDF)

Guest Speakers Bureau

Airport Response Trailer & Team Support

EAA Chapter Facility Tours

CTEC Orientations

For more information, please contact Michael Ryer at 503.364.3619 or