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EAA Chapter 292 Simulator Program

What's available

EAA Chapter 292 has three FAA-approved flight simulators (a Redbird FMX, Elite RC-1, and Elite PI-135 XTS) available for use by all chapter members. These simulators are available either for solo practice or for training with a flight instructor.

  • The full-motion Redbird FMX simulator available for $40/hour
  • The Elite RC-1 simulator with a realistic cockpit for $10/hour
  • The Elite PI-135 XTS desktop simulator that is absolutely free

The term “FAA-approved” means that the simulator time can be logged for instruction or instrument proficiency. See the Letters of Authorization in the resources section for details.

Getting access to the simulator room

All current club members are eligible to use the simulators.


To use the Elite PI-135, contact sim committee chairman Jerry Pryce for access to the sim room and go fly the sim! No reservations or sign-up is required. If you need some help getting started, contact any member of the Simulator Committee.


Using the Redbird or Elite RC-1 involves a couple more steps:

  1. Contact Jerry Pryce to choose which simulator(s) you want to use and to arrange to purchase a block of simulator time.
  2. Jerry will arrange to create an account on the control computer for the simulator you want to use.
  3. Arrange with one of the simulator trainers to get checked out on the simulator(s) you want to use. A list of trainers can be found here.
  4. Go fly the sim!

Getting instruction in a simulator

CFIs who are members of EAA 292 can arrange to be simulator instructors. Please contact the sim committee chairman, Jerry Pryce, for details.


A list of the CFIs currently enrolled to offer instruction can be found here.


To get flight instruction in the sim, first buy a block of time to use the sim; then arrange with any of the simulator instructors to receive instruction. The charges for instruction are paid to the CFI; charges for using the simulator itself are paid to EAA 292.


If you don't want to buy a block of at least 10 hours of time contact any of the instructors and ask if they will sell you time from their own account. (Instructors may or may not choose to do this.) If the instructor agrees to sell you sim time, you will pay the instructor both for their instruction and for the sim time you use.

Reserving simulator time

The simulators are available 24x7: no reservations are required. But.... If you absolutely need to reserve the Redbird simulator, you can do so by making a reservation for the Redbird FMX using FlightCircle.

How to buy simulator time

Using the Redbird and Elite RC-1 simulators requires purchasing a block of time on the simulator you want to use. But remember, the Elite PI-135 is free for all members.

Time can be purchased in 10-, 50-, or 100-hour blocks. Simulator time can be paid for by check or credit card.

Time purchased in a 50- or 100-hour block can be shared among all members of a single household.

  • Check payments can be mailed to the treasurer or deposited in the payment box in the clubhouse.
  • Credit card payments can be made to the treasurer or to the sim administrator (Jerry Pryce).

The Redbird FMX Flight Simulator

The Redbird FMX simulator is a full-motion Advanced Aviation Training Device (AATD) with a wrap-around visual display.

At the present time the FMX can be configured to represent one of two different airplanes:

  1. Cessna 172 with a G1000 EFIS and KAP140 autopilot
  2. Beech Bonanza A36 with traditional analog panel with an HSI, 430/530 GPS, ADF, DME, and KAP140 autopilot

The simulator cabin itself has a single set of controls but can seat two people. There is also an outside instructor station with headset communication to the simulator’s pilot seat.

A tablet computer with Wi-Fi capabilities can be connected to the simulator network. Programs like ForeFlight can receive navigation data from the FMX. A web browser in a tablet can be used to dispatch the simulator (from the pilot’s station) by relocating the airplane and setting the weather.

For training without an instructor chapter members can purchase the Redbird GIFT program or the Redbird Pro proficiency app. (EAA national offers a 20% discount on an annual Redbird Pro subscription.)

One of the two simulated airplanes currently available is a Cessna 172 with a G1000 panel and KAP-140 autopilot.

If you are not already familiar with the G1000, and want to use this for IFR practice, we suggest spending some time before using this simulator to familiarize yourself with the G1000. Numerous books, training courses, and YouTube videos are available. (The G1000 manual itself is more than 600 pages long. Just saying...)

The second type of simulated airplane is a Bonanza G-36. The panel represents a well-equipped analog IFR platform with


  • HSI
  • Secondary VOR/LOC/Glideslope indicator
  • 430/530 GPS
  • DME
  • ADF
  • KAP-140 autopilot


With the constant speed prop, flaps, and retractable gear, this is perfect for logging complex time.

Switching between the C-172 and G-36 cockpits does require changing out the panel and the throttle quadrant, which requires two people (to be done safely!) and a bit of training. Please ask for help before changing things around.


Is the Redbird FMX difficult to fly? Not if you're four years old.


Seriously, though, the wrap-around screens in the simulator make it a great tool for initial flight training. The 180-degree view from the pilot's station make it possible to judge aircraft attitude visually, and to effectively practice pattern work.

Redbird FMX simulator rates


The following table gives Redbird FMX pricing. These rates are for the simulator only. If you use an instructor, his or her rates will be in addition to these.


Hours Regular price Youth (19 and under) price
10 (individual) $400 $200
50 (family) $1500 N/A


Anyone purchasing both a 50-hour block of time on the Redbird FMX and a lifetime membership in EAA Chapter 292 will also receive 50 hours of time on the Elite RC-1 simulator.


The Elite RC-1 Simulator

The Elite RC-1 simulator is a simpler (and less expensive) AATD that can simulate a variety of aircraft. Even though it doesn’t have a wrap-around display, the Elite is a great training platform with realistic flight controls, instruments, and radios. An instructor can sit behind the student (outside the simulator cabin) to provide guidance or to provide “ATC” clearances and instructions.


The Elite RC-1 can simulate multiple airplane types. The models approved for logging time are:

  • C-172
  • C-172RG
  • C-182
  • PA28-181
  • PA28R
  • BE36
  • BE58
  • PA34

The Elite RC-1 simulator can be used with ForeFlight or other in-cockpit software to help polish your skills.

Elite RC-1 simulator rates


The following table gives Elite RC-1 simulator pricing. These rates are for the simulator only. If you use an instructor, his or her rates will be in addition to these.

Hours Regular price Youth (19 and under) price
10 (individual) $150 $75
50 (family) $500 N/A
100 (family) $1000 N/A


Anyone purchasing a 100-hour block of time on the Elite RC-1 simulator will also receive a lifetime membership in EAA Chapter 292.


The Elite PI-135 XTS Simulator

The Elite PI-135 XTS simulator is a Basic Aviation Training Device (BATD) which is approved by the FAA for logging instruction and simulated instrument time.

The PI-135 is free to use by all Chapter members. It can simulate numerous aircraft types using analog (six-pack) instruments, optionally with a Garmin GPS:

  • Cessna 172
  • Cessna 182
  • King Air B200
  • Mooney
  • Piper Seneca
  • Beech Bonanza

The precise choice of instruments and avionics (VOR, COM, ADF, DME, GPS, etc.) can be selected to suit your training requirements.


The simulator room

All of the simulators are in “the simulator room” at the eastern end of the south hangar expansion. (The sim room was conceived-of and mostly built by Chuck West.)

The simulator room is intended to provide a quiet environment for training, but it can also be used for small meetings or for other instruction. But while using the room please don’t do anything to distract those using the simulators.

All chapter members can access the simulator room, but you will need to install the TTLock app on your phone to unlock the door. To gain access, please contact any member of the Sim Committee (details below).

Several computers are available for instruction, but the one on the right end is dedicated as the control computer for the Redbird FMX. There is also a printer available for printing instructional materials.

The computer on the far right is the instructor station for the Redbird FMX, and should not ordinarily be used for any other purpose. The other two computers are available for other training, instruction, or research.



Detailed contact information

Detailed contact information for the people listed in this section can be accessed using the member roster on this website. (The member roster is visible only to EAA 292 chapter members.) But you can send general questions or support requests to the sim committee at

Sim committee chair

Jerry Pryce is the sim committee chair. Please contact Jerry if you want to create a new simulator account.


Jerry can be reached at


Dave Wright can also create simulator accounts and answer some of the technical questions related to the Redbird FMX simulator.

Simulator committee

The simulator committee is responsible for setting the simulator budget, acquiring hardware and software, and arranging for trainers and instructors.


The simulator committee members are:

  • Jerry Pryce (chair)
  • Chris Orin
  • Richard Harrison (chapter president)
  • David Wright (chapter secretary)
  • Chris Dickey
  • Miles Nelson (alternate)


People who are qualified to instruct in the simulators are:

  • Matt Van Pelt (CFII). Matt charges $30/hour.

Redbird simulator trainers

People who are qualified to provide a checkout in the Redbird FMX simulator are:

  • Larry Claussen
  • Chris Dickey
  • Joe Mollahan
  • Matt VanPelt


Letters of Authorization


Here are some supporting documents that might be helpful in understanding how to use the simulators and FAA regulations related to simulator time.
