All of the simulators are in “the simulator room” at the eastern end of the south hangar expansion. (The sim room was conceived-of and mostly built by Chuck West.)
The simulator room is intended to provide a quiet environment for training, but it can also be used for small meetings or for other instruction. But while using the room please don’t do anything to distract those using the simulators.
All chapter members can access the simulator room, but you will need to install the TTLock app on your phone to unlock the door. To gain access, please contact any member of the Sim Committee (details below).
Several computers are available for instruction, but the one on the right end is dedicated as the control computer for the Redbird FMX. There is also a printer available for printing instructional materials.
The computer on the far right is the instructor station for the Redbird FMX, and should not ordinarily be used for any other purpose. The other two computers are available for other training, instruction, or research.