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EAA Chapter 292 Can Help You Start Your Career

EAA Chapter 292 offers scholarships to help aspiring young people achieve pilot certificates, additional ratings, A&P credentials, and engineering and management degrees in aviation-related programs.  The number of scholarships and the dollar amount of each depend on the funds available to Chapter 292 each year.

Both first time applicants and prior recipients are encouraged to apply.


EAA Ray Scholarships

EAA Chapter 292 has been awarding Ray Scholarships since 2017.  This is one of our most successful programs.  Ray Scholarships are awarded for both glider ratings (unpowered) and private (powered) ratings.

The EAA Ray Aviation Scholarship is a merit-based scholarship program that is funded by the Ray Foundation, managed by EAA, and administered through EAA Chapters.
Through the generous support of the Ray Foundation, a Ray Scholarship provides up to $11,000 to deserving youths to help cover their flight training expenses. Chapter 292 and the Ray Foundation each contribute part of the scholarship money.

To learn more about EAA Ray Scholarships click here:  EAA Ray Scholarships

The Ray Scholarship application period starts on November 1 of each year. The awards are announced in the spring of the following year, and flight training typically occurs during spring and summer.

To apply to Chapter 292 for a Ray Scholarship, scroll down this page to the EAA Chapter 292 Scholarship Application Instructions..

Photo by Chapter 292 member Bill Origer.
Pilot:  Anders Walter, two-time Ray Scholarship recipient.


EAA Chapter 292 Private Pilot Scholarships

The Private Pilot Certificate is the starting point for a career in aviation. You can fly for personal travel, and you can build time and experience for further certificates and ratings.

EAA Chapter 292 has merit-based scholarships available for private pilot students, providing partial funding to deserving youths to help cover your flight training expenses. Your training can be accomplished at one of the area flight schools, and partly in an approved simulator. EAA292’s Simulator Center is available for scholarship recipients.

To apply, scroll down this page to the EAA Chapter 292 Scholarship Application Instructions.

Photo by Chapter 292 member Bill Origer.
Lane Community College Private Pilot Training


EAA Chapter 292 Instrument Rating Scholarships

An instrument rating is a natural next step after having completed your private pilot certificate. This rating expands the usefulness of flying, generally improves your skills as a pilot, and can significantly improve safety.


EAA Chapter 292 has scholarships available for instrument students. Your training can be accomplished at one of the area flight schools, and partly in an approved simulator. EAA292’s Simulator Center is available for scholarship recipients. Naturally, for instrument training you must hold at least a Private Pilot Certificate and a current Medical Certificate. 

To apply, scroll down this page to the EAA Chapter 292 Scholarship Application Instructions.

Photo by Redbird Flight Simulations


EAA Chapter 292 Commercial Pilot Scholarships

The Commercial Pilot Certificate is the first level at which you can be employed as a pilot. You can be paid to fly as an instructor, freight pilot, charter pilot, crop duster, peace officer, etc.  Any of these can be rewarding careers.  Additionally, you can build the required 1500 hours to become an Airline Transport Pilot (ATP) if your goal is to fly for scheduled airlines.


EAA Chapter 292 has scholarships available for commercial students. Your training can be accomplished at one of the area flight schools, and partly in an approved simulator. EAA292’s Simulator Center is available for scholarship recipients. Naturally, for commercial training you must hold at least a Private Pilot Certificate, a current Medical Certificate, and a minimum of 200 hours before beginning.

To apply, scroll down this page to the EAA Chapter 292 Scholarship Application Instructions.

Photo by Pilatus Aircraft Ltd

EAA Teen Aviation Anders Walter by Bill Origer May 29 2021-2

EAA Chapter 292 AMT/A&P Mechanic Scholarships

AMT/A&Ps are highly sought after by aircraft manufacturers, airlines, repair stations, FBOs, corporate aircraft operators, government agencies, and others in the aviation field. There are many job opportunities for an AMT/A&P.


An Aviation Maintenance Technician (AMT) requires a training course and-or significant practical experience, and a license from the FAA.  Studying to be an AMT involves two parts, Airframe (A) and Powerplant (P).  These are almost always taught together in a two-year program, so an AMT is often referred to as an A&P.


Two Aviation Maintenance Technician Schools (AMTS) are located in the Willamette Valley:


Lane Community College, Eugene:  Lane CC AMT/A&P Program


Portland Community College, Portland:  Portland CC AMT/A&P Program


For more information, go to the FAA website:  FAA AMT/A&P Info


EAA Chapter 292 has scholarships available for AMT/A&P students. The legal minimum age to start AMT/A&P training is 18 years. You can apply for a EAA292 scholarship when you are 17, but you must be 18 when you start the program.

To apply, scroll down this page to the EAA Chapter 292 Scholarship Application Instructions.

Photo by Chapter 292 member Bill Origer.
A&P:  Anders Walter, Lane CC 2023 Graduate.


EAA Chapter 292 Engineering Scholarships

Simply stated, engineers create products for the future. Aeronautical engineers concentrate on aircraft, astronautical engineers concentrate on spacecraft, and avionics engineers concentrate on electronics. Career opportunities exist in design, development, manufacturing, maintenance, operation, flight test, management, and many more related fields.

Many EAA Chapter 292 members made their careers in these exciting fields, and can help you learn about them. If you are passionate about flying and creating new products, there is probably a career her for you.

EAA Chapter 292 has scholarships available to help pay for your college education. To apply, scroll down this page to the EAA Chapter 292 Scholarship Application Instructions.

EAA Teen Aviation SONEX team by Bill Origer May 27 2016

Other Aviation Scholarship Opportunities

Many other aviation organizations offer scholarships to help young people start their careers. Chapter 292 doesn't manage these scholarships, so we encourage you to apply directly. 

Other EAA Scholarships

Oregon Pilots Association Raymond Meyer Scholarship

AOPA Scholarships

Ninety-Nines Scholarships

Air Traffic Control Association Scholarships

Scholarships Listed on - Changes Frequently

(This list was updated on July 5, 2024. If you find outdated information, or other links that should be added, please let us know by email:


For All Ray Scholarship and EAA Chapter 292 Scholarships:

  • You must be a permanent resident in the Willamette Valley.

  • You must be a member of both EAA (national) and a member of EAA Chapter 292, from the time you submit your application through your flight training or education.

  • You must meet the legally required age for the training program you are interested in.  This can be 16 or 18 years or older when you start your training, depending on the program. (Usually you can apply before you reach the minimum age, but you must be the minimum age to start.)

  • You must have graduated, or be currently progressing towards graduation, from an accredited high school or equivalent home school program, with a B/3.0 or higher grade point average, and have taken mathematics through at least algebra and passed with a B/3.0 or higher.

  • You are expected to participate and volunteer with EAA292 a minimum of two hours per month.  This will help EAA292 members get to know you, provide opportunities for you to fly in different aircraft, offer assistance with your training, and teach you more about aviation. (This requirement may be waived if you are a full-time college or university student.)

  • Attend monthly EAA292 chapter gatherings to update the membership on your training. (This requirement may be waived if you are a full-time college or university student.)

  • Complete progress reports with EAA292’s scholarship coordinator.

Additionally for Flight Training:

  • For primary training, obtain an FAA Student Pilot Certificate. (You and your instructor will complete this application together.)

  • For primary training, you must have a valid FAA third class (or higher) medical certificate before scholarship funds can be used. (Discuss this with your instructor first! Don't try this on your own!)

  • For commercial or instrument training, you must have a valid FAA second class (or higher) medical certificate, and you must be eligible for a first class medical certificate, before scholarship funds can be used.

  • You must be able to be start your training within 60 days of accepting the award.

  • You must be able to fly at least twice a week, subject to weather and instructor and aircraft availability.  (We recommend three lessons per week.)  Frequent lessons keep the total cost of training down, and help ensure that your scholarship(s) will cover most of it.

  • For primary training, complete your solo within three months, complete your FAA written exam within six months, and complete training with your successful Private Pilot checkride within 12 months.

  • Keep your logbook and other training records organized and with you for your lessons.

  • Provide invoices for flight training costs to EAA292’s scholarship coordinator as agreed upon.  This may include aircraft rental, rental insurance, fuel, CFI fees, flying club dues, and examiner fees.

  • You must be the primary point of contact for EAA292 and your flight instructors for all flight training and scholarship program purposes (lesson scheduling, progress report fulfillment, etc.)

  • Provide your instructor with at least a 12-hour advance notice of lesson cancellation.

Expectations for Parent/Guardians (If recipient is younger than 18):

  • Allow the student to be the primary point of contact for EAA Chapter 292 and flight instructor for all flight training and scholarship program purposes (lesson scheduling, progress report fulfillment, etc.)

  • Allow and encourage the student to take at least two lessons a week.  Best practice is to schedule three flights per week.

Contact EAA292's Scholarship Coordinator with any questions:



How To Apply


There are two parts to the application process, the Personal Statement and the Additional Documents. Instructions for both parts are below. We suggest you complete both parts and send them to us together. Be sure your name and contact information is on every page.

Email your Personal Statement and the Additional Documents to us at


What To Expect After You Apply


We will acknowledge receipt of your application by email after we receive both parts. We will then review your application carefully, and we may then schedule an in-person interview with you and your parents or legal guardian. We will make our decisions and announce awards soon after the interview.


You are always welcome and encouraged to join in EAA292’s gatherings, youth programs, and other events, any time of the year.


Part 1 - Personal Statement


This Personal Statement must be entirely completed by you, the student who is applying for the scholarship.  Applications written or edited by parents or others are not acceptable.

Please provide all of the following information.  Feel free to add details, explanations, or more info if you feel it is important.

  • Your Full Name (First, Middle, Last)

  • Current School and Student ID

  • Permanent Mailing Address

  • Phone (Home or Mobile) *

  • Email Address *

    * Note: If you are under 18, please use your parent's or guardian's phone and email.  If you are 18 or older, use your own.
  • Your age now, and your age when when you expect to start training or study.

  • What EAA292 Scholarship are you applying for? (Examples: Private Pilot, AMT/A&P, college or university, etc.)

  • When do you expect to begin your training or study?

  • Please list school, church, and community activities in which you have participated, and include a description of any leadership roles..

  • Are you an AVID high school student? (Incoming freshmen only)

  • Are you a recipient of a Girl Scout Gold Award or a Boy Scout Eagle Award?

  • Will you be working while you are a student? If yes, please list place of employment and hours per week.

  • Please provide a biographic history of yourself.

  • Please provide an essay discussing the following points.  This essay will be a primary tool in selecting candidates for the interview phase, so be sure to convince us here.
  • What brought you into an interest in aviation?
  • Who is the most important person in your life and what was their influence?
  • What are your education plans?
  • What do you see yourself doing in four years?
  • How do you plan to “pay it forward” in aviation?
  • Have you already had any flight training?
  • If scholarships from EAA292 and others are not sufficient to cover all costs through your training or study, how will you finance the remaining amount?

Part 2 - Additional Documents

  • Please provide copies of your transcripts from your high school and college (if applicable), showing all your coursework from the 9th grade onwards. (These can be downloaded from your school portal.  It’s not necessary to request “official” or “certified” copies of your transcripts.)

  • Please provide two letters of recommendation from adults who know you well.  These must be from non-family members.  (We prefer that these letters be sent by your recommender directly to us at However if your recommender gives their letter to you to send, that is acceptable also.)

  • If you are under 18 years old, please provide a signed letter from your parent(s) or legal guardian(s) indicating they grant permission for you to apply for the scholarship, and to participate in flight training or other study if you are awarded a scholarship.


Send your Personal Statement and Additional Documents to


Thank you for your interest in EAA292 and aviation!

(Revised 1/6/2025)



EAA Chapter 292 does not discriminate as to race, color, religion, creed, gender, gender expression, national origin, ancestry, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, military status, or any other restricting classification in its selection of scholarship recipients.  

We only discriminate as to age when necessary to comply with the FAA’s regulations. Flight training recipients must be 16 years or older, which is the minimum age to fly solo, and AMT/A&P students must be 18 years or older.

EAA292 chapter directors, and families of chapter directors, private funds donors, and scholarship selection team members are not eligible to receive scholarships under this program.


EAA's Youth Protection Policy and Program sets basic requirements for EAA staff and volunteers who work with children under age 18. It includes online best-practices training and, for certain categories of volunteers, a basic background check. All EAA Chapter 292 members who take part in youth programs are required to complete both the online training and background check. This includes everyone involved in Chapter 292's Scholarship Program.

