How To Apply
There are two parts to the application process, the Personal Statement and the Additional Documents. Instructions for both parts are below. We suggest you complete both parts and send them to us together. Be sure your name and contact information is on every page.
Email your Personal Statement and the Additional Documents to us at
What To Expect After You Apply
We will acknowledge receipt of your application by email after we receive both parts. We will then review your application carefully, and we may then schedule an in-person interview with you and your parents or legal guardian. We will make our decisions and announce awards soon after the interview.
You are always welcome and encouraged to join in EAA292’s gatherings, youth programs, and other events, any time of the year.
Part 1 - Personal Statement
This Personal Statement must be entirely completed by you, the student who is applying for the scholarship. Applications written or edited by parents or others are not acceptable.
Please provide all of the following information. Feel free to add details, explanations, or more info if you feel it is important.
- Your Full Name (First, Middle, Last)
- Current School and Student ID
- Permanent Mailing Address
- Phone (Home or Mobile) *
- Email Address *
* Note: If you are under 18, please use your parent's or guardian's phone and email. If you are 18 or older, use your own.
- Your age now, and your age when when you expect to start training or study.
- What EAA292 Scholarship are you applying for? (Examples: Private Pilot, AMT/A&P, college or university, etc.)
- When do you expect to begin your training or study?
- Please list school, church, and community activities in which you have participated, and include a description of any leadership roles..
- Are you an AVID high school student? (Incoming freshmen only)
- Are you a recipient of a Girl Scout Gold Award or a Boy Scout Eagle Award?
- Will you be working while you are a student? If yes, please list place of employment and hours per week.
- Please provide a biographic history of yourself.
- Please provide an essay discussing the following points. This essay will be a primary tool in selecting candidates for the interview phase, so be sure to convince us here.
- What brought you into an interest in aviation?
- Who is the most important person in your life and what was their influence?
- What are your education plans?
- What do you see yourself doing in four years?
- How do you plan to “pay it forward” in aviation?
- Have you already had any flight training?
- If scholarships from EAA292 and others are not sufficient to cover all costs through your training or study, how will you finance the remaining amount?
Part 2 - Additional Documents
- Please provide copies of your transcripts from your high school and college (if applicable), showing all your coursework from the 9th grade onwards. (These can be downloaded from your school portal. It’s not necessary to request “official” or “certified” copies of your transcripts.)
- Please provide two letters of recommendation from adults who know you well. These must be from non-family members. (We prefer that these letters be sent by your recommender directly to us at However if your recommender gives their letter to you to send, that is acceptable also.)
- If you are under 18 years old, please provide a signed letter from your parent(s) or legal guardian(s) indicating they grant permission for you to apply for the scholarship, and to participate in flight training or other study if you are awarded a scholarship.
Send your Personal Statement and Additional Documents to
Thank you for your interest in EAA292 and aviation!
(Revised 1/6/2025)