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HomeTeen Build


Middle and Highschool students are invited to participate, at no cost, in building an airplane. They are introduced to shop safety practices, and use of aircraft manufacturing equipment. They are taken through teambuilding experiences and learn tools and techniques of project management. 

The goal of these training experiences is to enable the builders to manage their own build of the aircraft while learning valuable, hands on skills as they work with their peers. Mentors from the chapter provide the necessary training and support to help the builder achieve the completion and flight of their aircraft. 

The build sessions are held every Saturday.  The build runs from September through June, following the school year. Other build times are available by arrangement with the mentors to meet the participant's schedule. 

Field trips are also a part of the Teen Build experience. The builders visit the National Weather Service and observe a weather balloon launch and visit the air traffic control tower at a municipal airport. Other field trips are taken to conferences and aerospace manufacturing and maintenance facilities.


Teens learn to work on typically very challenging items, such as plexiglass canopies.


Mentors explain details of construction while Teens perform the actual work.

For more information contact David Ullman, project lead, at 541-760-2338 or by email at 


Instruction spans all aspects of building an airplane, from basic construction to avionics, mechanical.

Mentor often have "mini-seminars" that explain mechanical and aerodynamic theory and how it is put into practice.