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HomeYoung Eagle Rallies


The next Young Eagles Rally is scheduled for

SEPTEMBER 21, 2024

Sign up for this event here

Young Eagles Rallies are held twice yearly (once in the Summer, and another in the Fall). This program is patterned after the National EAA program of the same name. EAA Chapter 292 provides a brief exposure to what makes an airplane fly, the component parts of an airplane, how does weather affect flying and how do we navigate. 


All participants are given a FREE ride in a private aircraft piloted by our volunteer members. Selected participates get to fly a simulator. Over forty volunteer ground personnel and about 15 pilots and aircraft provide this interesting and exciting experience. The participants get first-hand experience flying an airplane. They receive a log book recording their flight and a picture of the airplane in which they took their flight. 


To help participants over 13 years of age, Sporty's (a major, national provider of flight training) provides free access to an on-line Private Pilot Ground School learning opportunity. 


To help further their interest in sport aviation, they are later invited to participate in our Teen Aviation Weekend and Teen Build Program.


Young Eagles are introduced to basic elements of aviation.


Before flight, Young Eagles get an idea of what they will do once they are airborne.

For more information on Young Eagle Rallies, please contact Cindy Woodworth, Young Eagle Coordinator at 425-457-0345 or on-line at

Our Young Eagles Rallies often fill up quickly. If you are looking for another EAA Chapter that may be offering a Young Eagles Rally nearby, go to and put in your zip code. The site will provide other EAA Chapters with dates for their Young Eagles Rallies.


participants get to ride in some of our member's aircraft, some built by hand, others are typical production aircraft.


Some lucky Eagles will find themselves in very unique and unusual aircraft. On this day, a Robinson R44 helicopter.